[Korea]비오는 날 동네 한바퀴 돌기Going around the neighborhood on a rainy day.[4K]

[Korea]비오는 날 동네 한바퀴 돌기Going around the neighborhood on a rainy day.[4K]

안녕하세요 'WALK ROAD'입니다. 오늘은 아침부터 비가 내렸어요. 이제 본격적으로 가을로 접어들것 같습니다. 비가 와서 산책겸 밖에 나와서 걷는데 정말 산뜻하고 기분이 좋았어요. 여름의 푸르름이 곧 생각나겠죠? Hello, we are "WALK ROAD". It rained since this morning. I think it's going to be autumn in earnest. It was raining, so I came out for a walk and felt really fresh and good. You'll think of the greenery of summer soon, right? #비오는날 #산책 #동네