THE BOOK OF GENESIS 🎬 Full HD Movie | Adam and Eve | Noah | Abraham | Jacob | Joseph

THE BOOK OF GENESIS 🎬 Full HD Movie | Adam and Eve | Noah | Abraham | Jacob | Joseph

SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH YOUR LOVED ONES ❤️ to spread the beauty and depth of the Bible Experience the awe-inspiring story of creation like never before in "God’s First Words: Creation Unveiled 🌍✨." From the first utterance of light to the formation of mankind, witness the Holy Spirit's presence manifest across the universe. This video takes you on a breathtaking journey through the Bible, unraveling the history of God’s divine masterpiece with vivid storytelling and unparalleled 4K visuals. Today we explore the origins of life, the delicate balance of light and darkness, and the creation of humanity in His image. Learn how God's love and power shaped the foundation of Christianity and continue to inspire generations Subscribe to 'The Power of the Word' and be part of a community where faith, history, and the presence of God come alive. Let’s journey together. #faithjourney #biblestories #christianmovie #christianfaith MUSIC: Chasing Daylight by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. Rise Above by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. Terminus by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Genesis 1 06:52 - Adam and Eve 14:55 - Cain and Abel 17:30 - Noah and the Flood 27:39 - Tower of Babel 30:20 - God calls Abraham 40:00 - Sodom and Gomorrah 45:34 - Birth of Isaac 49:10 - The Lord Tests Abraham 53:01 - Sarah’s Death 55:08 - Isaac and Rebekah 58:19 - Abraham’s Last Days 1:00:28 - Jacob and Esau 1:05:09 - Jacob's Ladder 1:06:37 -Jacob Meets Rachel 1:09:26 - Jacob's Family Growth 1:12:08 - Jacob Leaves Laban 1:16:06 - Jacob Wrestles God 1:20:14 - Jacob and Esau Reunion 1:22:09 - The tragedy of Dinah 1:25:53 - Death of Rachel 1:27:41 - Death of Isaac 1:28:45 - Joseph’s Dreams 1:30:24 - Joseph is sold into slavery 1:35:20 - Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams 1:39:12 - Joseph reunites with his brothers 1:43:25 - Jacob’s Blessings and Death 1:45:40 - Joseph’s Last Days