Program Your Mind To Create "Millions Of Dollars A Day" (RAMPAGE) Self Concept | Law Of Assumption
Program Your Mind To Create "Millions Of Dollars A Day" with this gamma/theta binaural infused rampage affirmation tape! Listen 3x daily for up to 21 days to create new neurons in your brain and watch your life effortlessly and automatically transform. This is NOT spiritual, it is SCIENCE! This thought loop is part of the 10k affirmation challenge. The Law of Assumption is the CHEAT CODE for the game of life! You are creating your reality based on your assumptions -what you assume to be true and the meanings you apply to your circumstances. The 3D is just a PROGRAM. You must become conscious and re-write the code that generates your reality. God is a mathematical equation/algorithm which gives YOU the POWER to DECIDE & CHOOSE what is TRUE. The algorithm says YES to everything you say. God says YES to everything you say because YOU ARE GOD. You're the operant power in your world which is generated by your mind via your brain neurons. Your soul and your spirit are just frequencies & vibrations created by your mind. We exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously and you want to bring the 5th dimension into the 3rd, which is your imagination becoming reality. 5th Dimension = Your preferred reality state of consciousness. 3rd Dimension = Physical/material realm of existence. The lower dimensions are blind dimensions. The higher your frequency the higher the realms you are able to tap into which creates what you experience within your current reality. Rewrite the code of your mental program by affirming along with this rampage in a meditative state. You do NOT have to believe. The more you listen, the more your frequency will expand and these words will become a part of your dominant thought process. You are essentially re-learning how to think. Overcome the world and shift from 3D to 5D (the kingdom of HEAVEN) by consistently affirming these affirmations until they fully saturate your consciousness. You do NOT have to believe, just LISTEN anyway! Believe enough to listen. The 10,000K affirmation challenge is backed by science since the brain creates new neural pathways with "repetition". You can essentially listen to this 10,000k times and you'll start seeing your manifestations speed up fast AF effortlessly! We are programing our thought habits which will affect our behavior and our reality will be programmed. REALITY is just a PROGRAM! Use this audio to re-write your source code! You can change the game! You are the GOD of YOUR REALITY! Whatever you SAY is what GOES! :) You're the OPERANT POWER! Listen to this Gamma/Theta infused program 3 times per day. Before bed, in the morning upon awakening and during your mid day break. You can also loop this video and listen all night during your sleep. Totally transform what you see in your reality by hacking the matrix through the reprogramming of your subconscious mind. Create new neurons in your brain which is the "tree of life" by 10,000k repetitions. Tips: You can take lions mane while listening with headphones to speed up the manifestation process.