Holy Trinity - Westbury-on-Trym  - The Second Sunday of Lent - 13th March  2022

Holy Trinity - Westbury-on-Trym - The Second Sunday of Lent - 13th March 2022

10am Eucharist service with a sermon by Canon Martin Gainsborough - Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol Music Opening Hymn: New every morning is the love 4 Ukrainian Kyrie Psalm 27 The Lord is my light, my help, my salvation Offertory Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of mankind 621 Lamb of God: St Patrick’s Mass Communion Hymn: Best are the pure in heart 602 Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Howells Closing Hymn: Father hear the prayer we offer 629 Voluntary: Paean - Prelude in A minor, BWV 543 - J. S. Bach Music and words used by permission of CCL Licence No. 1899109. and One License No 734991-A.