Disturbing TRUE Alien Abduction Horror Stories And UFO Encounters That Will Keep You Up At Night

Disturbing TRUE Alien Abduction Horror Stories And UFO Encounters That Will Keep You Up At Night

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to Help Our Channel! - New Stories Every Week! Episode 20 of Skywatcher Stories will terrify you! Our first scary story comes from a driver in Madison, Wisconsin who works the night shift shuttling executives and important clients from a hotel to the airport. One night he picks up someone special who happens to be working at an abandoned military base on experimental propulsion and almost says too much. The second terrifying tale is about a man who works for an event company on The Governor's Island in New York City. After a heated argument with a coworker, he walks to the other side of the island late at night and has an otherworldly experience with some kind of creature. The third horror story is about a man that has an absolutely profound visitation from what he believes is one of the grey aliens. Then he is shown an incredible series of events and is given a sliver of knowledge that is far beyond what humans should know. All of our horror stories are real, true short stories, sightings and encounters that we've collected, or that were sent to us directly. We are always looking for more true scary stories, so if you've seen strange lights, UFOs, UAPs, alien abductions, paranormal, or any other bizarre cryptid creatures or mysterious phenomena, please email your story to us at [email protected], and include as much detail as possible. No story is too long! It might make it into the next episode! #horror #alien #aliens #ufo #ufos #uap #paranormal #mystery #story #stories #storytime #sleep #sleepmusic #scary #scarystories #horrorstories #nightmare #abduction #haunted #unexplained #ghost #reading