Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Finale Episode 16 - Gone - Video Review!
Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Finale Episode 16 - Gone - Video Review! Alright what’s going on guys it’s Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our weekly review for this week’s episode of Fear the walking dead. This one is for episode 16, Gone. This is kind of an epic ending for Fear the Walking Dead Season 7. I would have to say, the Fear team did an incredible job for this finale episode. Getting to see Morgan and Madison meet for the first time, duke it out, and then join forces was amazing! Madison’s return was basically everything I could have asked for. It was freakin perfect! I also really love this setup for Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead. Getting to see Morgan and Madison fight for Padre, side by side, will be awesome! After episode 15, I was super disappointed to see Alicia leave, but since it is possible Alicia could eventually return at some point, I am actually really enjoying how this is shaping up. It is still possible at some point, that we could see Alicia and Madison reunited. I think that would be somewhat of the perfect ending for Fear, when they eventually do decide to end the series. I want to see the comments, is this the end for Fear? Thanks for watching! Trev saying peace! #fearthewalkingdead #fearthewalkingdeadepisode16 #fearthewalkingdeadgone