Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Sunday 18th Dec 2022

Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Sunday 18th Dec 2022

Welcome to this service for the fourth Sunday in Advent 2022 led by Simon, one of our ministers. We continue our theme for Advent 2022: Hope was heard singing. This week we think about the message of the angels to the shepherds telling them that the hope of the world had been born inro their neighbourhood. Simon tells us that angels praising God in Scripture are usually found in heaven and that the Bethlehem scene of the angel host present on a hillside powerfully expresses that Jesus is God with us. In Jesus, God has come to dwell with us. The angels bring a message of hope to the shepherds, telling them the good news that the Saviour who will favour the poor and marginalised has been born to bring them a new peace. They can journey to the stable and meet the hope of the world. In this service through carols, readings, poems and prayers, we journey with them. The service includes: Welcome and Call to Worship Carol Once in royal David’s city Opening Prayer and Confession The Lord’s Prayer Lighting the Advent Candles Carol Angels from the realms of glory Reading Isaiah 9.2, 6-7 Prayers Reading Luke 2.8-20 Carol 163 God rest you merry gentlemen Poem Talk The hope of God with us Offering and Dedication Carol Joy to the world Blessing The poem Simon quotes, Seems Shepherds always get the worst of it is by Sally Foster-Fulton and published by Wild Goose Publications. It can be purchased at: Our closing music is played by Mary Ellis, one of our organists. To learn more about our church, please visit We meet in Exeter city centre for our services every Sunday at 11 am. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Details of other activities, including services at Brampford Speke chapel will be found on our website. If you want to be in touch with us, you can leave a message here or at our Facebook page @SouthStBaptist. Contact details are also given our website. If you want to know more about the Christian faith, we suggest you visit or get in touch with us.