Better than pizza! Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results!

Better than pizza! Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results!

Better than pizza❗️Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results❗️ Today, I've prepared three amazing recipes for you using tortillas, all cooked on a skillet and sure to delight you with their incredible taste! ⭕️00:00 Recipe #1 Ingredients: Oil Butter 2 tortillas 5 eggs Salt Black Pepper Parsley Mozzarella cheese Tomato Baby spinach ⭕️02:52 Recipe #2 Ingredients: 2 eggs Salt Black Pepper Green onion Butter 1 tortilla Mozzarella cheese Baby spinach Tomato Gouda cheese ⭕️06:26 Recipe #3 Ingredients: 2 tortillas 2 eggs Salt Black Pepper Parsley Mozzarella cheese Ketchup Sausage Tomato Baby spinach __________________________________________ ⭕️Your opinion of my recipe’s is very important to me.please tell me your opinion about this recipe in comments.⭕️ If you like this video please subscribe my channel✅:    / @simplechefsecrets1   __________________________________________ 🗝️Unlock the secrets of easy home cooking 🗝️ Kochen zu Hause einfache Rezepte müheloses Kochen köstliche Mahlzeiten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zeitsparend zugängliche Rezepte Anfängerfreundlich Kochtipps Geschmackvolle Gerichte kulinarische Geheimnisse leichte Küche inspirierende Rezepte unvergessliche Mahlzeiten Genussvolles Kochen einfache Kochgeheimniss