Better than pizza! Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results!
Better than pizza❗️Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results❗️ Today, I've prepared three amazing recipes for you using tortillas, all cooked on a skillet and sure to delight you with their incredible taste! ⭕️00:00 Recipe #1 Ingredients: Oil Butter 2 tortillas 5 eggs Salt Black Pepper Parsley Mozzarella cheese Tomato Baby spinach ⭕️02:52 Recipe #2 Ingredients: 2 eggs Salt Black Pepper Green onion Butter 1 tortilla Mozzarella cheese Baby spinach Tomato Gouda cheese ⭕️06:26 Recipe #3 Ingredients: 2 tortillas 2 eggs Salt Black Pepper Parsley Mozzarella cheese Ketchup Sausage Tomato Baby spinach __________________________________________ ⭕️Your opinion of my recipe’s is very important to me.please tell me your opinion about this recipe in comments.⭕️ If you like this video please subscribe my channel✅: / @simplechefsecrets1 __________________________________________ 🗝️Unlock the secrets of easy home cooking 🗝️ Kochen zu Hause einfache Rezepte müheloses Kochen köstliche Mahlzeiten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zeitsparend zugängliche Rezepte Anfängerfreundlich Kochtipps Geschmackvolle Gerichte kulinarische Geheimnisse leichte Küche inspirierende Rezepte unvergessliche Mahlzeiten Genussvolles Kochen einfache Kochgeheimniss