The Royalty Family House is GONE by FIRE! 😱 Ferran Cried #wildfire

The Royalty Family House is GONE by FIRE! 😱 Ferran Cried #wildfire

Salish & Ferran KISS ON CAMERA.. (Nidal is MAD) YOUTUBE :    / @goldninjagirl   Follow me on Instagram: Goldhackergirl_ Follow my Tik Tok : goldhackergirl My Name is the Gold Hacker Girl, I am a former member of Project Zorgo. Once I fully learned of their plans to go against YouTube I decided to leave the group. I've discovered that their Target List of YouTubers are actually good people and create good family friendly PG videos. I decided to help them and reached out to Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint. I've now given them access to my safe house. Project Zorgo does not know the location. On this channel I will be sharing everything I learned about the team and piecing together the clues, evidence, riddles, and puzzles in order to solve exactly what Project Zorgo PZ KILLER Tried To Run Over Vy Qwaint with a Uhaul Truck! WATCH OUT! We need to figure out the identity of the PZ Killer, the mysterious person/thing/alien/creature or boy or girl who defeated Project Zorgo on September 4th. Is this thing good, bad, or evil? We found an abandoned UHaul truck. We investigated the back of the car and found some weird clues about who the PZ Killer could be. We need to do an unmasking and face reveal of this creature! When we got back to the Safe House we realized all of our belongings were back after they were stolen by Agent Peters. This "thing" is probably trying to help us right? But then we found something shocking hiding in our carpet. It was FBI Agent Ford. He said the thing that defeated Project Zorgo is so scary that we should just live our normal lives as YouTubers for our own safety. WHO IS THE PZ KILLER?! We pushed our white desks together and learned the writing on the desk was a puzzle we had to piece together. After rearranging the desks, we learned that the writing formed an ouroboros. What does this mean? Seeing the symbol caused Melvin to become scared and he ran out of the safe house. Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021! ——————————————————————— Chad Wild Clay's latest video here – Is My GIRLFRIEND BORING? Vy Qwaint & Regina Go Undercover Pretending to be Project Zorgo Hackers    • Is My GIRLFRIEND BORING? Vy Qwaint & ...   Vy Qwaint latest video: REGINA Will Be Turned into Project Zorgo Hacker PZ4 if I Don't Rescue Her in 24 Hours Challenge!    • REGINA Will Be Turned into Project Zo...   Melvin PZ9 The Best Fighter:    • Come Back Chad Song - Spy Ninjas (Off...   Come Back Chad - Spy Ninjas (Official Music Video) Vy Qwaint, Daniel, Regina, Melvin & CWC on Guitar Exposing Project Zorgo EMBARRASSING! We're STUCK HOLDING HANDS for 24 Hours in Daniel vs Melvin Glued Together Challenge!    • FIX BORING CHAD by Singing a Song & C...   Lucas and Marcus AWESOME new video here :    • Could you Eat this in 10 minutes for ...   Could you Eat this in 10 minutes for $10,000? Stephen Sharer New video: Stephen Sharer - In My Jeep (Official Music Video)    • Stephen Sharer - In My Jeep (Official...   Grace sharer New video: BEHIND THE SCENES of STEPHEN SHARER NEW MUSIC VIDEO!! (In My Jeep Song)    • BEHIND THE SCENES of STEPHEN SHARER N...   Rebecca Zamolo new Video:    • Surprising Connor with Graduation on ...      • Surprising Connor with Graduation on ...   GAME MASTER : Matt Has Accident During Jumping Through Impossible Shapes Challenge! Bad idea    • Matt Has Accident During Jumping Thro...   MORGZ New video: BACK or FORWARD Challenge! (EXPENSIVE Mystery Items)    • BACK or FORWARD Challenge! (EXPENSIVE...   MORGZ MUM New Video: Best DIY Apocalypse Survival Weapon Wins - Challenge    • Morgz Mum - MORGZ SUCKS (Diss Track) ...   Faze Rug:    • Last to Leave Haunted Hotel Wins $10,...   Last to Leave Haunted Hotel Wins $10,000 - Scary Challenge MATT & REBECCA: Matt Says Yes to Everything Rebecca Says for 24 Hours! (bad idea)    • Matt Says Yes to Everything Rebecca S...