Dying Light 2 PS5 The Only Way Out - Meet the people of the Bazaar | Playthrough EP4 4K HDR
The Only Way Out is a Story Quest (Main Mission) in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. This is video gameplay my full playthrough of the game with No Commentary in 4K 60FPS on Playstation 5. Full Dialogue Interface Story Quest Mission Info: The Peacekeepers closed off the passage to the City Center. To get there, Hakon and I had to find a way around their patrols. Timeline Objectives: 0:05 Spend time at the Bazaar while waiting to hear from Hakon 2:04 Meet the people of the Bazaar 9:18 The Spark of Invention Side Quest 15:18 Find parts for Calos's invention 19:11 Return to Carlos with 2 Electrical Parts 21:16 Turn on Carlos' device 21:42 Watch the electric fence demonstration 24:56 Cheers! Side Quest 26:16 Find Marco, the water supplier 32:57 Secure the building 37:00 Kill Marco 37:33 Report back to the Bazaar 42:26 Meet Hakon 46:10 Get to the station through the metro tunnels 55:02 Open the airlock 1:01:11 Talk to Hakon 1:02:36 Find Hubert Kerbatsos 1:04:54 Find the brass knuckles thief 1:05:12 Catch Hubert 1:07:52 Climb up to the GRE building roof 1:09:02 Find Hubert 1:11:10 Look for Maya 1:17:01 Report to Aitor 1:22:27 Talk to Hakon 1:24:17 Question Sophie about Lucas 1:31:48 Ask the craftmasters about the crystals 1:33:32 talk to Sophie Just click "Donations" Thank you: paypal.me/dinhquan1981 #dyinglight2 #meetthepeopleofthebazaar #TheOnlyWayOut #fpgoodgame ----------------------------------------- Wellcome to FP Good Game Like the video if you enjoyed ► Thanks for watching! Click Here To Subscribe! ► https://goo.gl/WWo5y0 Facebook: / fpgoodgames My Twitch : / fpgoodgame My Twitter : / fpgoodgame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------