Sunday Evening Service - Brotherhood Service (11/10/2024)
Sermon: The Legacy of Praying Men Sub Topic: Speaker: Minister Tony Bennett Scriptures: John 17:8-16 Progressive Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Inc 1004 East Orange Ave Tallahassee, FL 32301 website: https://www.progressivechurch.org/home Bishop Paul C. Johnson; Pastor Elder Sean D. Johnson; Associate Pastor Minister Tony E. Bennett Services: Sunday School Hour 9:30 am - 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Praise & Worship (2nd and 4th Sunday's) 5 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Prayer Services: Sunday Morning Prayer 9 am - 9:30 am Friday Evening Prayer 6 pm - 7 pm Esther Prayer Band (1st Saturday of the month) 10 am - 12 pm