ACIM & Bible Excerpts on JOY! Advent Week #3
Share the Joy - Advent week 3 Find the joy, guided meditation: 3:35 16:20 Sharing the joy - how do you find joy? And Lighting the 3rd advent candle 23:30 Psalm 98: Shout for Joy to the Lord 24:11 Manual For Teachers: - M-4.V.1. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness 32:30 Chapter 5 T-5-.in.-1. How many opportunities you’ve had to gladden yourself, and how many you have refused. 43:55 T-9.VII.1. God’s will for you… 50:30 What happens when you do everything for God? 1:01:59 T-7.I.5. - What do you believe you are? 1:05:00 T-22.II.2. - Searching for joy? 1:43:06 Participant question: ‘So when others attack, we see that as their pain and show them love?’ ✨ ✨ ✨ Join me next week for ACIM Live: http://bit.ly/fbgACIM ✨ ✨ ✨ *Learn more at anchoringthelight.org *Book a private session with Dehyana @ bit.ly/ytvrtl *Keep in touch! Subscribe @ bit.ly/atl-subs