8 22 2021 Good News

8 22 2021 Good News

This is the entire Sunday Morning Service for August 22, 2021 at Astoria First Assembly of God. “Good News” Subject: What is the Good News Today? Complement: God is Good, Jesus is Greater and the Holy Spirit is our General giving the commands. Big idea: Evil people are plotting against God who is good, but He is about to stand up and right wrongs in His wrath! Intro: Who can stand before His indignation? (no one!) #1. God is Good (but…don’t plot against him) #2. Jesus is Greater…(You and Him are a majority) #3. Holy Spirit is a General (command) Remember: Celebrate and live normal Astoria First Assembly of God 1775 7th Street; Astoria, Oregon 97103 website: AstoriaFirstAssembly.org Online Giving: https://9c5e3b92.churchtrac.com/give.