Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | February 10, 2025, Monday, 6:30 am | English Mass
Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | February 10, 2025, Monday, 6:30 am | English Mass - White MONDAY, 5th WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Readings: Weekday 1st Reading: GENESIS 1:1-19 Responsorial Psalm: PSALMS 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35 Gospel: MARK 6:53-56 -------------------- SAINT OF THE DAY ST. SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN, SISTER OF ST. BENEDETTO STS. ZOTICUS, HYACINTH AND AMANTIUS, MARTYRS ON THE VIA LABICANA ______________________________ WhatsApp- +919498410200 Subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/VotiveShrin... Stay connected on social media: / votiveshrine LIVE ON: http://votiveshrine.in/?page_id=1671 / live Visit us at https://votiveshrine.in