Psoas Stretch and Frog Pumps for low back pain

Psoas Stretch and Frog Pumps for low back pain

Model: Low back pain is sometimes caused by anterior pelvic tilt. this can happen when your psoas overpowers your glutes, pulling your spine down towards the front of your hips and forcing your low back into an arch. It's the common stomach drooping, butt high in the air posture. One way like to deal with this is by stretching the Psoas and engaging the glutes through frog lump, which is a variation of a glute bridge. That Good Pain Sports Massage is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive sports massage services in Houston Texas. Cupping, Scraping/IASTM/Guasha, Stretching, Hot Therapy, Cold Therapy Massage Gun, Biofreeze and Anti Inflammatory Oil are all offered at no extra cost. You deserve service that is about helping you achieve your best in the gym, on the track, on the court, on field, and in ring. Transparent Pricing, no upselling or tipping needed. book your sports massage at More info at Check me out on Instagram   / thatgoodpain   TikTok   / that_good_pain   11145 Westhimer Rd, Houston TX 77042