Holy Day Divine Liturgy of the Mass – The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ II

Holy Day Divine Liturgy of the Mass – The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ II

TODAY: Christmas is upon us! We begin our celebration of the Twelve Days of Christmas, recalling on this First Day the birth of Jesus, the mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal Word of God within the human flesh created by God in the very image of God. St. Stephen’s wishes all who pray with us on this Feast Day a blessed Christmas. We pray that the wonder of Christmas will be a time of renewal for us as we pray and praise God together, sharing the wonder and awe of the Blessed Mother as we recall the depths of the love of God for the whole world. Christ is born! Glorify him! Tuesday 24 December 2024 The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Eve The First Day of Christmas HOLY DAY BULLETIN LINK The Bulletin for the Liturgy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eXIe... Additional Liturgies for the Feast of the Nativity: Tomorrow at 10:30 AM Sunday Liturgies are 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM unless otherwise announced. Evening Prayer is offered daily Sunday Evening through Friday Evening at 6:30 PM. Morning Prayer is offered daily Monday Morning through Saturday Morning at 8:30 PM. St. Stephen's Outreach Ministry gives away clothes and food Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 PM to 3 PM. Donations of Food and Clothing and Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. St. Stephen's is the Second Cathedral of the Diocese of Bethlehem. We give thanks for our diocese and the wider Church and pray for the greater unity and visibility of the Church with the mindfulness that this is the desire of Jesus! St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-Cathedral Church 35 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem Now that we are into the 2025 Liturgical Year, we are deeply mindful of the transition we are sharing with our increased diocesan family as we anticipate the 2026 initiation of The Episcopal Diocese of the Susquehanna, a reunification of the Dioceses of Bethlehem and Central Pennsylvania!