Top 8 Unusual EASY Houseplants. Low Maintenance Indoor Plants.

Top 8 Unusual EASY Houseplants. Low Maintenance Indoor Plants.

I'm sharing some houseplants from my collection that are easy to care for and suitable for both beginners and experience plant lovers. These are not your average common house plants though, they are a little more unusual to what you might find commonly for sale. CHAPTERS 00:00 Intro 00:11 Sansevieria Whitney 01:40 Peperomia obtipan bicolour 03:02 Maranta kerchoveana 04:18 Crassula ovata variegata 06:04 Purple passion plant 07:13 Ric rac cactus 08:32 Syngonium albo 09:58 Chocolate soldier WHAT TO WATCH NEXT Houseplant haul    • I've Been Plant Shopping: Houseplant ...   Houseplant unboxing    • HOUSEPLANT UNBOXING Indoor Plant Haul...   Favourite indoor plants october 2024    • FAVOURITE HOUSEPLANTS October 2024   10 hardy houseplants that always survive winter    • 10 HARDY HOUSEPLANTS That Always Surv...   Top 20 hoya for your indoor jungle    • Top 20 HOYA For Your Houseplant Colle...   Fast growing climbing houseplants    • Favourite Fast Growing Climbing House...   Houseplant collection tour    • HOUSEPLANT TOUR Summer 2024 | My Indo...