2022-02-19 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C.) St. Alfred 5:00 pm Mass (432Hz)
2022-02-19 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C.) St. Alfred 5:00 pm Mass (432Hz) Hymns (Heritage Mass) Presider – Father Hugh Gibson Prelude – Entrance – Praise My Soul the King of Heaven Ps - 103 Offertory – Be Not Afraid Communion – Eat This Bread Synod on Synodality Explainer Video Recessional – City of God Postlude – St Alfred Church – live-stream link (sometimes changes – may have to search) • Video SYNOD FACILITATORS Our Synod Listening Sessions will be run by 6 parishioners of St. Alfred. A bio about each of them is included below and next weekend February 26th and 27 you will be able to meet them at Mass. Musician's Corner Trying to keep consistent volume levels from week to week. When the live-stream sound system was installed my mic/keyboard input was suppose to be fixed, however such a large parish and different music ministries undoubtably would fluctuate settings from week to week. I am not getting the sound quality I was hoping for during a live-stream recording, so I think I will simply record each individual song in my home studio and upload those song videos each week between weekend mass uploads. This way everyone can access each weekend mass recording as usual or listen to each song individually. Parishioners have suggested to me from time to time that I should make up CD recordings. I always responded that my voice and skills are not quite up to a professional level, but I do try to improve each week. So not that much more effort for me to record the weekly songs in my home studio and upload them for those who keep requesting me to make recordings. Anything that can add praise and gratitude to God certainly adds warmth to my heart especially through music. Using the Philharmonie Mercatorhalle Duisburg organ sample set with live control over a 24-channel 256 note polyphony orchestral arranger keyboard and one octave MIDI pedal-board. God created us with the ability to sing and make music. Music is an important part of worship and praise to God, so it only seems fitting that bible verses about music can be found throughout scripture. Rejoice in the sound through my rotating collection of bible verses about music listing here! Psalm 150:1-5 1 Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. 3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, 4 praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, 5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.