Official[HTM Message] 예수님이 오신 이유 The reason Jesus came for (English.sub) - Dr.Son 181211-2 화요말씀치유집회

Official[HTM Message] 예수님이 오신 이유 The reason Jesus came for (English.sub) - Dr.Son 181211-2 화요말씀치유집회

손기철장로의 말씀치유집회 공식(Official)채널 입니다 ▶새로운 집회영상을 보시려면 채널을 [구독] 해주세요! ▶손기철 장로의 저서 보기▶ ------------------------------- ▒▒ Heavenly Touch Ministry ▒▒ Heavenly Touch Ministry [Tuesday Night Words and Healing Service] This service is open for everyone to be blessed with words and healing of God When–Tuesday 7:30 PM Where– Main hall of Immanuel, Heavenly Touch Center B1 floor, Bo-Ra-Mae Hyun-Dae Apartment, 35, Boramae 5th Road, Dong-Jak-Gu, City of Seoul Contact Number: 02-576-0153 Please refer to our website for more information SNS youtube com/c/htm0691 instagram com/htm_ministry instagram com/htm_message instagram com/htm_worship