Resident Evil Code Veronica X // Let's Play // Part 13 // CVX

Resident Evil Code Veronica X // Let's Play // Part 13 // CVX

#residentevil #residentevilcodeveronicax #claireredfield #chrisredfield #wesker Resident Evil CVX Part 13!! Welcome to my channel! I am excited to start this journey and hope for some comments to interact with! I will do my best to answer anyone who responds as I also work a full time job and have other life priorities that run in tandem with this new channel!! I love the Resident Evil franchise and Resident Evil 2 OG was a game that heavily influenced my life. I am excited to get to the point where I can record those videos! During my first run of the Resident Evil franchise on my channel I will be starting with all of the Remakes and titles I have on the PS4 & PS5. I will be giving my opinion on the games during play. So these first videos' may be a lot of talking about things I enjoy or dislike. Thank you for stopping by and watching! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Upcoming RE Titles for my channel in order of upload: Resident Evil 2 Remake & DLC Resident Evil Remake Resident Evil 3 Remake Resident Evil 4 Remake & DLC Resident Evil Zero Resident Evil 4 OG & DLC Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil Code Veronica X Resident Evil 5 Resident Evil Revelations 2 Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil 7 & DLC Resident Evil 8: Village & DLC Social media sites @ClubSHD on X!