Silent Hill 2 (2024) Walkthrough Part 8 - Full Gameplay Playthrough - Shotgun Location / Bent Needle
Silent Hill 2 (2024) Walkthrough - Full Gameplay Playthrough - Hospital Shotgun Location, Teddy Bear Bent Needle, L1 Room Key, 1F Inner Ward Key. Follow on Twitch - / aloversgaming Support the channel on Patreon - / aloversgaming Silent Hill 2 is a classic Playstation 2 game that I fell in love with alongside the rest of the classic Silent Hill games in the series by Team Silent. To play with the idea that Bloober Team could recreate and reimagine, yet keep the soul and atmosphere of the original Silent Hill 2 in tact for the most part and expand upon the original was not something anyone expected. Even after the reviews released and hardcore fans were saying it was good; I was not convinced. Then I played Bloober Teams game. Silent Hill 2 (2024) is the type of remake I was not expecting, nor was it something I figured anyone would try. If you're an old school Silent Hill fan and you tell me that this is now the greatest Silent Hill title, I may not agree, but I won't disagree. This game is a masterpeice of survival horror, a masterpiece in its franchise, and a gold standard up there with the best remakes in gaming. Here's the truth. I find the remakes of most games, and in relation to this genre; survival horror; to be lacking. The Resident Evil remakes from 2, 3, 4 are all failures in my eyes. 2 and 4 are good games, but that's about it. They fail the story, recapturing the characters personalities for the most part, feel off or different to the original, and have a level of disconnection so strong from the originals that they don't feel they belong to the same timeline. They're weird, and not in a good way. Silent Hill 2 (2024) by Bloober Team is closer to Shinji Mikami's Resident Evil Remake (2002) in that it retains so much of the original game, feels like it belongs to the original series, and expands upon lore and gameplay in a manner that doesn't upset the games tone or synergy. You can play Resident Evil remake and then jump into OG RE2 without feeling like something is off. You can't do that with the modern remakes of RE, you have to stick to the remakes to feel that same synergy. And like the master of horror; Shinji Mikami's Resident Evil; Bloober Team did the same with this remake of Silent Hill 2. You can play Silent Hill 1, then this, then 3, and feel no detachment. In one sense, you can say that Silent Hill 2's remake can replace the original Silent Hill 2 now; similar to how many feel about Resident Evil's remake replacing the original Playstation 1 1996 Resident Evil. Personally, I don't believe in replacing the originals, now I have two versions of Silent Hill 2 I can play and feel complete joy from. A survival horror to me is a game that focuses on avoiding combat when possible, with the primary gameplay spent solving puzzles, conserving ammo and medical items, and often times; the locations in survival horror games are as important as everything else. Locations are as much a character as the protagonist you control. Silent Hill 2 - start to finish; masters everything I wrote above without fault. Puzzles are mandatory, not optional tasks you can avoid like many so-called survival horror games these days. And mandatory is what they should be. Riddles, combat, exploration. All well done whilst the game is soaked in atmosphere as James Sunderland paces himself carefully through shadowy hallways, leaky tunnels, and over rotten floorboards. And that's when he's not out in the foggy streets of Silent Hill that's filled with monsters and demons looking to make James the latest victim of the cult recreated demon town. A major issue I had with the original Team Silent Silent Hill 2 (2001) was the combat was lacking in impact. There is no threat of death or challenge in the original. And while Silent Hill 1 (1999) was also easy, it still provided more hardship of combat than its PS2 sequel. Only Silent Hill 3 (2003) felt like the game was trying to remind you to avoid monsters and escape. Blooper Team did a great job at revamping combat, making it a challenge and keeping every enemy encountered a threat to James as he looks for his poor wife Mary. The story remains unchanged for the most part. A few additions, small changes, and new cutscenes at best. The game nails the original intent and ups some important key moments. The characters of James, Maria, Angela, Eddie, Laura, and Mary are all as you remember them, sometimes with a slightly different perspective. Such as James hidden anger showing through facial ticks. Silent Hill 2 proved its self to possibly be the best survival horror in decades, if not ever. It's as good if not better than any other classic Silent Hill by Team Silent, and it stands on its own two feet without context of the originals in order to love this game, similar to the original Silent Hill 2. Please enjoy this walkthrough as I loved every second of this horror instant classic.