Creating & Inclusive School paper 12 VBED (4)  Session 2020-22 b.Ed semester 4 Vbu, Hazaribagh

Creating & Inclusive School paper 12 VBED (4) Session 2020-22 b.Ed semester 4 Vbu, Hazaribagh

#vbuhazaribagh education of cwsn should be provided education along with other classroom. inclusive education refers to education for children with special needs special education is related to education program for disabled the provisional most appreciate for the learning needs of the students having disability are in divisible education program free and compulsory education to children in 600 14 years to age in the objective of sarv Shiksha abhiyan state the meaning and dates work inclusive education how hearing impairment children's are identified state the difference between a special education and inclusive education what are the role of class teacher in an inclusive setup kaksha adhyapak explain the silent feature of Shiksha abhiyan 2002 in the context of inclusive education what is mean by readness what are the factors affecting a school witness of children with special needs describe co-operative learning as a teaching associate for inclusive settings explain the silent feature of national policy on disability class 6 in context of inclusive education.