MCQ 34 CHANGE IN PSR| CLASS 12| ACCOUNTS| D K Goel Solutions| Shorts| Goodwill @learnwithease
MCQ 34 CHANGE IN PSR| CLASS 12| ACCOUNTS| D K Goel Solutions| Shorts| Goodwill @learnwithease MCQ CHANGE IN PSR| CLASS 12| ACCOUNTS| D K Goel Solutions| Shorts| Goodwill@learnwithease In this video you will revise or recap all the important points of the Chapter 2 Solution of MCQ 34 Change in PSR Class 12 D K Goel Accounts A, B and C are partner sharing profits in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. On 1-4-2023 they decided to share the profits equally. On the date there was a credit balance of Rs.1,20,000 in their Profit and Loss Account and a balance of ₹1,80,000 in General Reserve Account. Instead of closing the General Reserve Account and Profit and Loss Account, it is decided to record an adjustment entry for the same. In the necessary adjustment entry to give effect to the above arrangement Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Class 12 Accounts How to calculate sacrificing and gaining ratio? what is the formula to calculate sacrificing ratio? What is the formula to calculate interest on drawings? #mcqshorts #learnwithease #changeinprofitsharingratio #changeinpsr #partnershipfundamentalsmcqs #interestondrawings #goodwill #partnershipfundamentals #partnershipfundamentalsclass12 #adjustmentsinclosed accounts #mcqspartnershipfundamentals #learnwithease #oneshotpartnershipfundamentals #accountingforpartnershipfirms #dkgoelaccountsclass12 #solutionsofdkgoelclass12accounts #revisionpartnershipfundamentals #importantpointspartnershipch1 #class12accounts #accounts #issueofsharesclass12 #issueofdebentures #admissionofpartner #dissolutionofapartnershipfirm #retirementofpartner #changeinpsr #accountingratiosclass12 #cashflowstatement #sunilpanda #rajatarora