MAF Re-Scaling Made Easy With HP Tuners
🔵 Building a fast car? Get $400 OFF the all-inclusive VIP online course package deal: https://hpcdmy.co/offery147 🦵Kickstart your EFI Tuning knowledge. Get 50% OFF your first online course: https://hpcdmy.co/offery147 In the majority of factory cars a MAF sensor is used to tell the ECU what mass of air is entering the engine. In stock form the calibration of this sensor is likely to be close to perfect, however as soon as we make any changes to the intake system the MAF calibration can become inaccurate. ------------------------------------ 🏎 Start learning how to reflash tune. Sign up for the next free lesson now: https://hpcdmy.co/hptly ------------------------------------ In this webinar we’ll see how we can use a Wideband meter and the HP Tuners VCM Scanner software to optimise the MAF calibration in our 2006 GM LS2 engine. ------------------------------ TIME STAMPS: 0:00 - Lesson Plan 1:25 - There Is More Than One Approach 1:50 - What IS A MAF (Mass Airflow Sensor) 3:15 - How Is The Relevant Data Displayed in HP Tuners VCM Editor 4:45 - Why Is MAF So Often Misunderstood? 7:15 - Why Do We Need To Make These Changes? 9:25 - VVE vs MAF 10:35 - Setting Up Getting Ready To Tune 17:20 - Narrowband vs Wideband Consideration 18:20 - Gathering The Data How To 19:35 - Practical Tuning Demonstration 49:20 - Questions ------------------------------ 🧠 Want to watch over 290 members-only webinar on tuning, wiring, engine building, car setup, fabrication or data analysis topics? Sign up here for only $19 USD a month, start and stop at any time (unlike your gym membership!): https://hpcdmy.co/GoldMembership Check us out: https://hpcdmy.co/hpa Have a listen: https://hpcdmy.co/podcast Steal our wardrobe: https://hpcdmy.co/merchy #highperformanceacademy #hptuners #vcmsuite #vcmscanner #gm #maf #learntotune #enginebuilding101 #dontletthesmokeout #wiring101 #dieseltuning #datanerd #gofasterwithdata #racecraft #learndriveoptimise #motorsports p #freelesson #goldlesson #webinar