Is the Ruby Red Still Worth It? - Crypto.com Card Review (2024)
In this series we review at all the Crypto.com Cards to see what advantages & disadvantages there are for each card. In this episode we review the Ruby Red! (Updated for 2024) 🔍 What You’ll Learn: Card Benefits Card Requirements Bonusses Personal Thoughts Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @coinbaron  Crypto.com Bonus 💰 $200 Crypto.com App Sign-up Bonus: https://crypto.com/app/coinbaron 💰 $50 Crypto.com Exchange Sign-up Bonus: https://crypto.com/exch/coinbaron GameFi Myria - https://myria.com/?code=83Y2IQJNSZI #Crypto #CRO #Exchange Discord:   / discord  Twitch:   / coinbaron  Twitter:   / thecoinbaron  Email: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Afternoon Tea" by Mona Wonderlick — bit.ly/youtube-monawonderlick​ Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free download: gum.co/aJgHV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------