The Artist's Way Julia Cameron (VERY RARE RECORDING) Part 1 #theartistsway #juliacameron  #selfhelp

The Artist's Way Julia Cameron (VERY RARE RECORDING) Part 1 #theartistsway #juliacameron #selfhelp

Self-help guru Julia Cameron presents the full 12-week course in this rare recording of the best-selling book The Artist's Way. She helps to unblock creative dreams through ground-breaking tools and teaching. This section covers the Introduction, Morning Pages, Artist Dates and Week One (recovering a sense of Safety). #theartistsway #juliacameron #selfhelpworld #audiobook This is a rare audio recording of Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" taken from a cassette tape. ****I do not own the copyright. This is for educational and informational purposes only. Not intended for profit. Timecodes: 0:00- Intro 5:03 - Where did the lessons come from? 7:05 - Two basic tools 7:20 - Morning Pages 9:25 - Censor 12:10 - Morning Pages as meditation 13:36 - The Artist Date 25:39 - Rules of the Road 27:19 - Week One (Safety) 28:50 - Shadow Artists 31:22 - Baby Steps 32:13 - our art vs. masters 33:24 - companions 34:39 - Core Negative Beliefs 36:37 - Affirmations This workbook changed my life and took me from being a blocked actor to winning awards for filmmaking and theatre. I later wrote my own book "Awakening the Actor Within" For more TAW info: