Learn German for Beginners | Full Course | German Course A1 for Beginners | Learn German for free!
⬇️🔥Free Checklist: „All Sounds of German - Start Learning German with Perfect Pronunciation“🔥⬇️ https://linktr.ee/learngerman4life Hello, friends! If you are interested in online courses, send us a message on Instagram, by email or Whatsapp: Message us on WHATSAPP: https://wa.me/4915734190993 Instagram: @Learngerman4life: / learngerman4life Email: [email protected] Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of learning German? This beginner-friendly course is designed just for you! Dive into the essentials of German with many easy-to-understand lessons! Conquer those challenging sounds: vowels, consonants, and even tongue twisters! Get comfortable with grammar: learn how to structure sentences and understand verbs! Expand your vocabulary: from greetings and questions to everyday phrases! Gain confidence in speaking! Practice with engaging exercises that make learning fun. The German alphabet (A, B, C... but auf Deutsch!) How to greet and say farewell Essential verbs like "to be" and "to have" Forming and answering questions ♀️ Talking about yourself and your family Telling time and dates ⏰ Shopping phrases (perfect for your next German adventure!) Here’s what you’ll explore: Lesson 1: Introduction + Vowels 0:00 Lesson 2: Pronunciation of Diphtongs + Umlaute 12:14 Lesson 3: Pronunciation of Consonants I 22:48 Lesson 4: Pronunciation of Consonants II 37:31 Lesson 5: Greetings | Greetings 48:22 Lesson 6: Common Phrases | Häufige Redemittel 53:07 Lesson 7: Numbers 0 - 20 | Zahlen 0 - 20 58:38 Lesson 8: Numbers 20 - 100 | Zahlen 20- 100 1:03:39 Lesson 9: The German Alphabet | Das Alphabet 1:10:33 Lesson 10: Introduce yourself | Sich vorstellen 1:16:21 Lesson 11: Getting to know someone | Jemanden kennen lernen 1:21:43 Lesson 12: How are you? | Wie geht es dir ? 1:30:54 Lesson 13: Sentence Structure I 1:38:00 Lesson 14: Sentence Structure II | 1:47:23 Lesson 15: Personal Pronouns in Nominative | Personal Pronomen im Nominativ 1:57:40 Lesson 16: Verbs haben and sein | Verben haben und sein 2:05:29 Lesson 17: Verb Conjugation | Verbkonjugation 2:11:37 Lesson 18: Irregular Verbs | Unregelmäßige Verben 2:25:04 Lesson 19: Numbers Above 1000 | Zahlen über 1000 2:34:06 Lesson 20: Adjectives and Opposites | Adjektive und Gegenteile 2:45:25 Lesson 21: Articles in German | Bestimmte Artikel im Nominativ 2:54:22 Lesson 22 Indefinite Articles in German | Unbestimmte Artikel im Nominativ 3:02:56 Lesson 23: Negative Articles in German | Negative Artikel im Nominativ 3:07:41 Lesson 24: Official Time in German | die Zeit (offiziell) 3:11:57 Lesson 25 Unofficial Time in German I die Zeit (inoffiziell) 3:19:19 Lesson 26: Possessive Articles in German | Possessivartikel 3:30:09 Lesson 27: The family in German 3:45:27 Lesson 28: Akkusativ Case | Articles in Akkusativ 3:50:21 Lesson 29: Possessive Articles in Accusative | Possessive Artikel im Akkusativ 4:03:43 By the end, you’ll even have your first conversation in German! This course turns learning German into an enjoyable experience. Embark on your language journey and start speaking German today! #learngerman #BeginnerGerman #easygerman #germancourseonline #speakgerman #GermanForTravel #funlearning #germanlessons #GetSpeaking #learngerman4life #germancourse #germanforbeginners #germanlanguage Happy German learning! Matthias und Simon Learn German 4 Life