Days of the week in German | Months of the year | Colors in German|జర్మన్| Learn German in Telugu 19
Days of the week, Months of the year, Colors How to pronounce Days of the week in german? జర్మన్ భాషలో వారంలోని రోజులను ఎలా ఉచ్చరించాలి? How to Practice Months of the year in German? సంవత్సరంలోని నెలలను జర్మన్లో ఎలా ప్రాక్టీస్ చేయాలి? How to say colors in German? జర్మన్లో రంగులను ఎలా చెప్పాలి? Please click the Playlist link below to watch, Learn basics, and build strong foundation in German Language: • German Language Basics | Foundations ... Learn German online for free with easy to understand lessons on our channel "Learn German in Telugu". YOUTUBE: / @learngermanwithkiranthiriveedi Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube and start learning German today! #జర్మన్ భాష నేర్చుకోవడం #learngerman #learngermanintelugu #germanintelugu #germancourseonline #germancoursesandgermanexams #germanexam #telugulogerman #LearnGermanforBeginners #EasyGerman #LearnGermanEasily #mani #GerManiVlogs #TeluguvlogsinGermany #MyGermanTelugutalks #learngermanfast #GermanyJobs #GermanyVisa #germany #andhrapradesh #telangana #studyingermany #mastersingermany #LifeInGermany #LivingInGermany #MovingToGermany #StudyInGermany Similar Searches:- careers in germany, life in germany, free education, Masters in Germany, Germany Telugu, german, german a1 course, german movies to learn deutsch, german language lessons for beginners, german news, learn german for beginners, learn german a1, learn german while you sleep, learn german language lessons for beginners, Study in abroad Telugu vlogs Germany International Student MS in Germany for Indians, MS in Germany Cost for Indian Students, MS in Germany Telugu, Masters student India to Germany, Student Travel Vlog, Master's in Germany, Telugu Vlogs, USA vlogs, Moving to the Germany, International Student, MS in Germany for Indians, MS in Germany Cost for Indian Students, MS in Germany Telugu, America, Telugu, Engineering, Higher Education, Indian in Germany University, Indian in Germany Vlog, Indian Vlogger, MS in USA, Masters, Masters Degree, Masters in Germany, MS in US, Study Abroad, Studying Abroad, Kiranthiriveedi, learnGermanWithKiranThiriveedi, GOETHE, University Selection, India to Germany, Student Travel Vlog, Master's in Germany Moving to the Germany, International Student, America, Telugu, Engineering, Higher Education, Indian in German University, Indian in Germany Vlog, go Indian Vlogger, MS in Germany, Masters, Masters Degree, Masters in Germany, exams in germany, india, indian exams, community, telugu community, fb community, germany telugu community, germany with kiranthiriveedi, students telugu, andhra students, telangana students, parents telugu, Abroad life, telugu abroad,