SERMON 8 / Bill Giovannetti / "Measuring Up" / October 29, 2023

SERMON 8 / Bill Giovannetti / "Measuring Up" / October 29, 2023

Thank you for choosing to worship at Pathway Church! We are a fellowship of faith committed to Christ, His Word and to seeing the whole world reached with His Gospel! ONLINE & ON SITE SERVICE TIMES: Saturday 5:00 PM - Sunday 9:30 & 11:15 AM Service (Pacific Standard Time) LEARN MORE ABOUT PATHWAY CHURCH / Pathway Church Website | STAY CONNECTED WITH PASTOR BILL Pastor Bill's Website (Sermons) | Pastor Bill's Blog | Veritas School of Biblical Ministry (Join a Tribe of Biblical Scholars) | Pastor Bill’s Facebook |   / bill.maxgrace   STAY CONNECTED WITH PATHWAY CHURCH / Join Pathway Church’s Online Community | Follow us on YouTube : Follow us on Facebook:   / pathwaychurchredding   Follow us on Twitter:   / pathwayredding   Follow us on Instagram: CONTACT PATHWAY CHURCH / Email: [email protected] Phone: (530) 221-5683 Mailing Address: 777 Loma Vista Drive Redding, CA 96002 SUPPORT THE MISSION OF PATHWAY CHURCH / We have expanded our ministries online and are providing resources to individuals, families, and groups. Pathway’s mission is to HELP PEOPLE FIND AND FOLLOW GOD. This is our focus and we have not stopped or slowed down. People just like you are hearing the Gospel preached and responding. People just like you are discovering their identity in Christ and learning the riches that are yours because you are in Christ. People just like you are being grown strong and mature as a follower of God. People just like you are being used in incredible ways to serve those around you. Your support makes all of this possible.