Reactors Reacting to VIGGO "OH" | John Wick (2014)
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/c/reacttv1?su... ----- 0:00 Intro 0:03 CinePals / @cinepals 0:38 Nikki & Steven React / @nikkistevenreact 1:05 AJ & Selena / @ajandselena 1:39 CineBinge / @cinebingereact 1:59 Natalie Gold / @nataliegoldreacts 2:32 funnylilgalreacts / @funnylilgalreacts 2:59 QueenTofu / @queentofu 3:26 LoveLaurenn / @lovelaurenn 3:54 JUST TRUST ASH / @justtrustash 4:25 Mentally Gone Reacts / @mentallygonereacts 4:42 Reelin' with Asia and BJ / @reelinwithasiaandbj1 5:08 Popcorn Roulette / @popcornroulettereactions 5:35 Coyzy Movie Night / @coyzymovienight ----- #firsttimewatching #moviereactions #reactionvideos #moviereaction #reactionvideo ---- Iosef takes John Wicks Mustang to a chop shop to remove its identifying details, but the shop owner, Aurelio, recognizes it and refuses service. Aurelio informs John that Iosef is the son of Viggo Tarasov, the boss of New York City's Russian mafia. Upon learning of his son's actions, Viggo berates Iosef for incurring John's wrath.