ADVENT CONSPIRACY: A Special Guest (9:00 a.m. Traditional Service)
December 8, 2024 Acts 1:6-11 Last December your generosity allowed us to give away over $25,000 to help seed money for the start-up of a new Global Methodist Church in Bloomington-Normal. Since then, the church planting pastor, Rev. Mark Crawford, was officially appointed to begin this endeavor on July 1, 2024. Mark, and his family (wife, Andrea and son, Levi) along moved to Bloomington-Normal and began sharing the vision for this new church. They recently began multiple small groups and had their first monthly worship service in a local Christian school. They also officially became known as New Room Church! This Sunday, we will hear from our special guest, Rev. Mark Crawford, about expanding God’s Kingdom through new churches. Join us this Sunday and be inspired to continue making that possible. You’ll also be reminded how “Loving All” and serving those Jesus loves, “the least, the last, and the lost,” is part of our Advent Conspiracy!