인터스텔라 INTERSTELLAR 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)
한반지: 인터스텔라 예고편들: 2014 개봉작들: • 원제: Interstellar • 감독: Christopher Nolan • 북미 개봉일: 2014년 11월 7일 • 한국 개봉일: 2014년 11월 6일 • 음악: Confidential Music - View from the Voyager 자막이 안 나올 경우 플레이어 오른쪽 하단의 자막(CC) 버튼을 눌러주세요 캡션은 마우스로 위치 조정이 가능하고, 옵션에서 기본 자막 색깔, 글꼴 등을 취향에 맞게 변경하시면 설정이 계속 유지됩니다 모바일 기기에서는 최신 버전의 유튜브 앱을 다운받아 이용해주세요 Interstellar Official Trailer #3 English Transcript We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt Go for a main engine start T-10 We must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us 9 I've got kids, Professor How long will I be gone? 8 I'm asking you to trust me 7 Murph You have to talk to me, Murph 6 We need to fix this before I go You have no idea when you're coming back 5 Main engine start Couldn't you have told her you were going to save the world? No 4 When you become a parent 3 one thing becomes really clear 2 And that's you wanna make sure your children feel safe 1 I'm coming back When? I love you forever Potentially habitable worlds right within our reach Could save us from extinction Here we go You can't just think about your family Now you have to think bigger than that I'm thinking about my family and millions of other families Maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory Love is the only thing that transcends time and space Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light * I'm not gonna make it! Yes, you are We'll find a way We always have * 웨일즈의 시인 Dylan Thomas(1914-53)가 임종을 앞둔 부친을 위해 쓴 시 'Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night'에서 인용 콘스탄틴 예고편 번역하다 알게 된 이 시가, 다음날 이 인터스텔라 예고편에서 나오다니, 이런 우연이