WE ARE LEARNING HOW TO CROCHET A PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL CROCHET GRANNY HALF HEXAGON MOTIF BY THE HELP OF MY VERY DETAILED AND EASY TUTORIAL! #crochetgrannyhalfhexagon #crochetmotif #crochetgrannymotif #crochethexagonmotif #crochethalfhexagon In this video tutorial, you can find all key points to make a perfect and beautiful crochet half hexagon granny motif. This pattern is suitable to make beautiful blankets, table cloths, bed covers, cardigans, sweaters, crochet skirts, crochet dresses, kitchen aprons, hot pot holders, hot pad, e.t.c. If you want to learn how to crochet a half hexagon granny stitch motif in easy and beginner friendly way, then watch my crochet video tutorial till the end. For this project, you need some scrap yarns and 3 mm hook according to the thickness of your yarn. I used cotton yarn suitable the hook size 3 mm. For full hexagon motif tutorial, please watch this below video: • HOW TO CROCHET A GRANNY HEXAGON MOTIF... And there are many crochet video tutorial at my You Tube Channel Ravella Design. Here some of them are: Very Easy and Beginer Friendly Crochet Square • VERY EASY AND BEGINNER FRIENDLY CROCH... Egzotic Crochet Square: • EGZOTIC CROCHET SQUARE! CROCHET SQUAR... Easy Granny Square with Crochet Flowers • EASY GRANNY SQUARE WITH CROCHET FLOWERS! Easy Granny Square Pattern • EASY GRANNY SQUARE PATTERN FOR CROCHE... How To Make Crochet African Flower • HOW TO MAKE CROCHET AFRICAN FLOWER SQ... HowTo Hide Yarn Ends In CrochetT • HOW TO HIDE THE ENDS IN CROCHET! PERF... This is about how to hide the yarn ends in crochet. This video is also very useful and after learning how to hide the yarn ends, you will have very smooth crochets. Thank you for watching my video and please subscribe SUBSCRIBE my youtube channel, activate the info ring for my further videos and please leave "like" remarks and make comments. Thank you again for your supports. See in the further videos!!!! Meanwhile, you can follow us via below social media channels. / ravelladesign / ravella_design how to made a perfect granny square, exact granny square, video tutorial about granny square, very detailed granny square video tutorial, very easy and beginner friendly granny square making, beautiful crochet pattern, crochet pattern for blankets, crochet pattern for kitchen apron, crochet pattern for cardigans, crochet pattern for bed covers, crochet pattern for sweaters, Ravella Design #Ravella Design #crochet #grannystitch #grannyhexagonmotif #crochethexagon #howtocrochethalfhexagonmotif #crochethalfhexagonpattern #crochethalfhexagontutorial #crochethalfhexagon #beginnerfriendlycrochet #crocheting #grannysquarebabyblanket #grannysquareblanket #beatifulcrochetpattern #crochetpatternforblankets #crochetpatternforcardigans #crochetpatternforkitchenaprons #crochetpatternforbedcovers #crochetvideotutorialforblankets #crochetvideotutorialforcardigans #crochetvideotutorialsforbedcovers #crochettechnics #perfectcrochettips #howtocrochetgrannysquare #howtocrochetperfectgrannysquare #beginnerfriendlygrannysquare #tamkarehanımdilendinasılyapılır