The FIRST FF14 cutscene which broke me... Venat
My Full Endwalker playthrough starts here ► • FFXIV MSQ - 6.0 Endwalker #1 Eventually, ALL VODS will end up there 😊 Is this one of the best cutscenes in Endwalker?! I recently started playing the Endwalker MSQ (main story) and had a very strong reaction to this cutscene telling us about Venat's epic moment.. This video shows Annie's reaction of the cutscenes in "Caging the Messenger" and "Thou Must Live, Die, and Know" in Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker patch 6.0 00:00 Ktisis Hyperboreia Reaction 26:34 Thou Must Live, Die, and Know ► Best deals on Corsair peripherals: https://cor.sr/AnnieDeals 💜 Annie's Twitch: / anniefuchsia 🐦 Annie's Twitter: / anniefuchsia 📸 Annie's Instagram: / anniefuchsia 🎶 Annie's TikTok: / anniefuchsia #anniefuchsia #twitch #ff14 #ffxiv #endwalker