the childfree movement + why i don't want kids

the childfree movement + why i don't want kids

a chat on the child free movement there's definitely a child free movement happening & i wanted to give my take as a woman who personally does not want kids. i've always felt kind of weird for feeling this way tbh, so i'm mainly making this vid so others don't feel alone who feel this way & to speak to why i think so many ppl in this generation don't want kids anymore. just a warning that this video may trigger anyone with kids or who wants kids, but these are all just my personal opinions on our society & how things work. everybody should always do what's best for them & i still think children/parenthood is a beautiful thing! recommended video: podcast: ig:   / lynetteadki   business inquiries - [email protected] other links - camera + mic: amazon storefront: DISCLAIMER: Some links in this description may be an affiliate link, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.