Rooting Fig Cuttings: The Best Way I've Found To Propagating Figs

Rooting Fig Cuttings: The Best Way I've Found To Propagating Figs

I've tried many methods of rooting and propagating fig cuttings, and this method improves on many of the problems I have encountered. It has been 2 weeks since I potted these cuttings and three are already beginning to bud and leaf out, and I have not had to add any water or change any environmental conditions at all! Very promising! The problem with rooting fig tree cuttings is they often take about 4-6 weeks to root. A lot of bad things can happen over that time. Most of us root fig cuttings indoors over the winter in low indoor humidity. Dry indoor air causes the soil in the containers to dry out where exposed - usually at the tops and the drain holes at the bottom. Fig cuttings need consistent moisture for the best chance of rooting, and in most cases, our options are to either allow the potting medium to become too dry in places, or over-water the fig cuttings to keep the tops and bottoms moist, which may over-saturate the middle of the containers and promote rot. Neither are good options. This method focuses on MOISTURE CONTROL so we can be lazy during the rooting process and not have to tend to our cuttings. With a little extra preparation in the beginning, we can keep our cuttings perfectly moist throughout the process and never have to check on them. This is designed to be a SET IT AND FORGET IT method of rooting fig cuttings! While no method is truly 100% set-it-and-forget-it all the time in every condition and we should still monitor our plants on occasion, this method allows us to go as long as possible before disturbing them. One of the worst things we can do is pick up our cuttings and check for roots. Figs hate being disturbed, so any method where we can ignore them for weeks with perfect environmental conditions will give us the best chance for success! *************************************** VISIT MY AMAZON STOREFRONT FOR PRODUCTS I USE MOST OFTEN IN MY GARDEN* ********************************************************* VISIT MY MERCHANDISE STORE ********************************************************* EQUIPMENT I MOST OFTEN USE IN MY GARDEN (INDIVIDUAL LINKS)*: Miracle-Gro Soluble All Purpose Plant Food Miracle-Gro Soluble Bloom Booster Plant Food Miracle-Gro Soluble Tomato Plant Food Jack's Fertilizer, 20-20-20, 25 lb. Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide Southern Ag Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate Monterey Organic Spinosad Concentrate Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer (BT Concentrate) Cordless ULV Fogger Machine Weed Barrier with UV Resistance Organza Bags (Fig-size) Organza Bags (Tomato-size) Injection Molded Nursery Pots Heavy Duty Plant Grow Bags 6.5 Inch Hand Pruner Pruning Shears Japanese Pruning Saw with Blade Double Tomato Hooks with Twine String Trellis Tomato Support Clips Nylon Mason Line, 500FT Expandable Vinyl Garden Tape ********************************************************* SOCIAL MEDIA Follow Me on TWITTER (@NCGardening)   / ncgardening   Follow Me on INSTAGRAM   / millennialgardener_nc   ********************************************************* ABOUT MY GARDEN Location: Southeastern NC, Brunswick County (Wilmington area) 34.1°N Latitude Zone 8A ********************************************************* *As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. © The Millennial Gardener