How To Root Cuttings | Honey vs. Cinnamon vs. CloneX |  THE RESULTS ARE IN

How To Root Cuttings | Honey vs. Cinnamon vs. CloneX | THE RESULTS ARE IN

Charles Malki, Biologist & Plant Expert for shares the 4-5 week research results of rooting various plants using three rooting compounds: CloneX, Honey & Cinnamon. Plants tested in this cloning experiment included figs, citrus, roses, pomegranates, geraniums, mint, passion fruit, and so much more! This method of propagating plants by way of cuttings is one of the easiest ways to create new plant life, compared to the other methods of air-layering and grafting. #IVOrganic #Cuttings #Propagation Shop IV Organic® brand products: Shop CloneX Rooting Gel @ Disclaimer: IV Organic is an Amazon Associate and earns a commission from qualifying purchases. How To Root Cuttings | Honey vs. Cinnamon vs. CloneX (Part I):    • How To Root Cuttings |  Honey vs. Cin...   University Studies On Rooting Products: & Disclaimer: Patented plants, such as Miss. Figgy, were discarded following this experiment. None of the plants in this lesson were sold. Stay connected with IV Organic®:   / iv_organics   / iv_organics IV Organic® brand products are innovative, organic, effective & USA-made for organic commercial orchards and backyard growers that want to grow the healthiest plants! Fertilizers * WhiteWash * Pest Repellents * Transplant Shock IV Organic products can be found in 100+ stores nationwide. Contact your local nursery to find out if they stock our product. If not, please ask the manager of your local nursery to call or e-mail us directly; contact (e-mail and toll-free phone) can be found at The following are more related gardening videos: Dragon Fruit Farm | TOUR, TASTING & SALE feat. Eyal Givon    • Dragon Fruit Farm | TOUR, TASTING & S...   5 BANANA CARE TIPS | Harvesting, Cloning, Transplanting, Feeding & Mulching    • 5 BANANA CARE TIPS | Harvesting, Clon...   PROPAGATING BANANA PLANTS | Sword vs. Water Pups | Ice Cream, Apple & GoldFinger    • PROPAGATING BANANA PLANTS  |  Sword v...   BANANAS... AFTER 9 MONTHS!!! | HARVESTING | PRUNING | FEEDING | PROPAGATING | RECYCLING    • BANANAS... AFTER 9 MONTHS!!! |  HARVE...   BEST (& WORST) Way To Harvest Bananas | FIVE (5+) Banana Care Tips    • BEST (& WORST) Way To Harvest Bananas...   OMG! Why Cut "The Giving 'Fig' Tree" To A Stump? | Pruning | Grafting | Sealing & MORE    • OMG! Why Cut "The Giving 'Fig' Tree" ...   3-in-1 Grafting Success…. 7 Weeks UPDATE | Peaches, Plums & Apricots | BEFORE & AFTER    • 3-in-1 Grafting Success…. 7 Weeks UPD...   Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year--Biologist & IV Organics Plant Expert, Charles Malki    • Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year...   7-11 Potting Tips | 7 DON’TS & 11 DOS | Part 1 of 2    • 7-11 Potting Tips | 7 DON’TS & 11 DOS...   A to Z | ALL ABOUT BARE "NAKED" ROOT FRUIT TREES | SELECTING, PRUNING, PLANTING, PAINTING & MORE    • A to Z |  ALL ABOUT BARE "NAKED" ROOT...   3-IN-1 APPLE TREE | Approach & Cleft GRAFTING | THE 3 SHADES OF IV ORGANICS    • 3-IN-1 APPLE TREE | Approach & Cleft ...   Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year--Biologist & IV Organics Plant Expert, Charles Malki    • Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year...   "My Orange Tree Has 3rd Degree Burns!" -- HELP!!! IV Organic 3-in-1 Tree Guard Paint    • "My Orange Tree Has 3rd Degree Burns!...   TOMATO CARE | EGG SHELL PUREE | NPK-CA | PEST CONTROL | IV ORGANIC PLANT GUARD    • TOMATO CARE | EGG SHELL PUREE  |  NPK...   FISH CONTAIN 60+ ELEMENTS, INCLUDING NPK! An Excellent Organic Addition To Your Garden & Orchard!    • FISH CONTAIN 60+ ELEMENTS, INCLUDING ...   Winter Citrus Harvest Time, Is Pruning Time TOO!    • Winter Citrus Harvest Time, Is Prunin...   Compost Tea WITHOUT Compost! | YEAR-ROUND Nutritional Foliar Spray | SCALE Pest Control    • Compost Tea WITHOUT Compost!   |  YEA...   Part 1 of 4 | GROWING CALIFORNIA NATIVES | Theodore Payne Foundation | Charles Malki & Lisa Novick    • Part 1 of 4 |  GROWING CALIFORNIA NAT...   Hollywood-Knolls Winter 2017 Garden Club Topics: Shade Plants * Native Plants * Evolution * Organics    • Hollywood-Knolls Winter 2017 Garden C...   Garden Club | Native Flowers & Plants To Support Local Wildlife + Increase Fruit & Vegetable Yields    • Garden Club | Native Flowers & Plants...   PART 3 OF 3 | Steve List, teacher @ Sylmar Agricultural Center| Tomatoes | Raised Beds| Living Soil    • PART 3 OF 3 | Steve List, teacher @ S...   Be sure to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE to watch all the other IV Organic's educational gardening videos.