Rooting Hormone vs. Homemade DIY Alternatives
Is rooting hormone worth using? Is there a good natural alternative to rooting powder (or liquid or gel)? These are common questions - and I wish I had a more popular answer! When it comes to cinnamon, aloe vera, and honey, these DIY homemade solutions just don't stack up against the impressive track-record of IBA-based formulations in the science and profession of growing plants. Willow water is an interesting alternative, and I'll explore its usefulness here as well. I suspect I'll get a bit of heat for these conclusions. Let me disclaim a couple of things here: 1) if you've seen evidence of an effective alternative, go ahead and share it in the comments. I'm always happy to learn something new 2) When I say that "It's worth it" to use commercial rooting hormone, I leave it to your research and experience in applying it to any specific plant. For some easy-to-root varieties, it might never make sense to use hormone (or any of the alternatives). Successful rates will vary by plant and stage of growth. 3) I don't have a stake in whether you use one particular brand or another, or if you use IBA formulations at all. Do what you like. I'm just sharing my understanding and experience from one gardener to another. If you find these videos useful, here are a few things you can do to help us out: Send a tip: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fvrosefarm Have a look at our Amazon shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fraserval... Follow our farm on Instagram: / fraservalleyrosefarm Or Like us on Facebook: / fraservalleyrosefarm Golden Retriever pic by Ron Armstrong CC BY2.0