Unmasking Hypocrisy | Homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) | Luke 6:39-45
In this compelling homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C), Luke 6:39-45, where Jesus addresses the profound issue of hypocrisy. Through the parable of the blind leading the blind and the analogy of the speck and the log, He challenges us to reflect on our own shortcomings before judging others. This sermon, titled "Three Faces of Hypocrisy: A Triad of Deception," explores the subtle ways hypocrisy manifests in our lives and offers practical guidance on cultivating authentic Christian living. Join us as we unmask these deceptions and strive towards moral integrity and spiritual growth. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content and biblical insights. Leave your thoughts and comments below - we would love to hear from you... / @lemosonic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemosonic?su... 🎶 Sunday Psalms Year C: • Year C- Psalms 🎙️Sunday Homilies Year C: • Year C- Homilies Fatima Saibinn | Our Lady Of Fatima | Konkani Hymn • FATIMA SAIBINN | Our Lady Of Fatima |... Homily For Good Friday (Year B) THE SUFFERING GOD • Homily For Good Friday (Year B) THE S... Your Queries 8th sunday ordinary time year c 8th sunday in ordinary time 2025 8th sunday in ordinary time year c lucas 6 39 45 sunday homily adoration of the blessed sacrament luke 6 39 45 luke 6:39-45 luke 6:39-45 homily Luke 6:39-45 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Homily on Hypocrisy Homily for 8th sunday in ordinary time Homily for 2nd march 2025 Christian Sermon Triad of Deception Gospel Reflection Catholic Teaching Spiritual Growth Moral Integrity Faith and Practice Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind Speck and Log Analogy Moral Self-Examination Authentic Christian Living Jesus' Teachings on Hypocrisy 8th Sunday Ordinary Time Homily Year C Liturgical Readings Overcoming Spiritual Blindness Building Moral Integrity Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:12 Reflection 03:06 Expecting others 05:42 Noticing a flaw 07:47 Lack of integrity 12:26 Recommended videos #Homily #8thSundayYearC #UnmaskingHypocrisy #Luke63945 #ChristianHomily #TriadOfDeception #GospelReflection #CatholicTeaching #SpiritualGrowth #MoralIntegrity #FaithInActionHypocrisy #Christianity #Lemosonic #Frdenislemos #Catholic #Catholicism #Catholicchurch #Homilyfor2ndmarch #2025