Nord Stage 4 Worship Sound Pack || Volume 1 ~ Setup Instructions
Get your copy of my Worship Sound Pack || Volume 1 for the Nord Stage 4 on my website: https://dsoundman.com Thank you for getting my worship sound pack volume 1 for the Nord Stage 4! I hope you enjoy these programs as much as I do and in this video I walk you step by step through getting the programs, synth presets, and bundles onto your Nord Stage 4 using the Nord Sound Manager! If you haven't grabbed the worship sound pack and you happened across this video, you can find more details here: • Introducing Worship Sound Pack - Volu... Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you're new and hit the LIKE button if you enjoyed the video!! Looking to purchase the Nord Stage 4 or other music gear? It helps support my channel for no extra cost to you if you buy through the link below! http://www.zzounds.com/a--518275/ Thanks for watching and comment below with any questions you have and I will answer them as soon as I can!