Salary in different MBA specializations? Best MBA specialization to choose in 2025
Which is the highest paying specialization after MBA and the best specialization after MBA? Which MBA stream should you select in 2025 from IIMs and other top Bschools in India? In this video I answer everything around salary of different specializations like Finance, Marketing, HR, Operations, Analytics and Product Management. VISIT COLLEGE VIDYA - https://cvadm.com/3dHwnu Their AI-driven process gathers information on top online & distance universities. You can easily get the relevant information of different universities about your course by simply selecting it on their website. They have already done the compilation work for you, so, you just need to focus your time on finalizing your course & university. The best part is they provide EMI options for all the courses even when the university does not provide them. Still Confused? Get face-to-face audio/video counselling sessions with their experts, to achieve what you have dreamed of! If you are also thinking about MBA specialization courses, selecting the right MBA specialization, details of mba specialization, best mba stream, best mba specialization for non engineering students, best MBA specialization for engineering students (computer engineer and mechanical engineers), best and most growing MBA specialization in India and in 2025, highest paying MBA specialization and jobs in India then this video will literally offer you all the insights into each of these questions Brief about me: I am Ananta Chhajer, an IIM Ahmedabad alumni, a strategy consultant and a content creator Connect with me on Linkedin: https://linkedin.openinapp.co/8k5qr Connect with me on Instagram: / anantachhajer Telegram Group for Free Resources: https://t.me/mbacompass