TOP 5 || Avril Lavigne's THE BEST DAMN THING Underrated Songs
★ Avril Lavigne's The Best Damn Thing Underrated Songs (Top 5) ★ ↓↓ Open up for more info ↓↓ ★ Explanation 5. RUNAWAY: This isn’t higher on the list because it is a favorite among many fans. This song is so radio friendly, and I can totally imagine it as part of the soundtrack of so many coming of age movies from the 00’s, so it’s a shame it passed by without much notice compared to songs like Girlfriend and When You’re Gone. 4. I CAN DO BETTER/I DON’T HAVE TO TRY: To me, these songs go hand-in-hand. They’re both about being your unapologetic self, knowing your worth and refusing anything or anyone that treats you less than the amazing self you are. They totally represent the whole TBDT era and deserve far more recognition than they get, even among fans. 3. ONE OF THOSE GIRLS: I barely hear people talking about this song. It passed by completely unnoticed in this album and era, maybe because of how simpler and lighter it is compared to most of the other songs, but the truth is, it is a hell of a catchy and fun song too. 2. CONTAGIOUS: This song may be short, but hell isn’t it catchy. It has the same vibe as Hot, and personally I like it way better. It’s barely talked about when it comes to TBDT era, so it definitely belongs to this list. 1. EVERYTHING BACK BUT YOU: I mean, this song may be pretty simple and straight-forward, and maybe it wouldn’t pass today without criticism regarding the lyrics, but you can’t deny how fun it is. If you haven’t blasted this song on max volume while getting over some stupid boy/girl/person during your teen years, you haven’t had a childhood. Sorry. If I had to choose an honorable mention, it would be THE BEST DAMN THING, because I feel like it didn’t get the love it deserved as a single. I mean, it’s such a fun bop that clearly represents the whole era. ★ In this video: Editing: TheAvrilLavigneProject Intro: Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne Outro: Avril Lavigne's cover of Adia ★ TheAvrilLavigneProject is a channel dedicated to creating videos for Avril Lavigne’s music, including music videos, lyric videos, song collections, and many others. #avrillavigne #thebestdamnthing #underratedsongs