Megalodon Warning..!! #megalodon #amazing #movie
#hariessyaifudin #shorts Please subscribe to my YouTube channel HARIES SYAIFUDIN Video editing is just for entertainment Sharks are one of the oldest animals on earth, having roamed the oceans for 450 million years and have survived five mass extinction phenomena. Sharks are also known as top predators in the sea which function to maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), meaning "big tooth", is an extinct species of shark. This shark is estimated to have lived around 23 to 2.6 million years ago during the Early Miocene to Late Pliocene. Previously, this shark belonged to the Lamnidae family, which implies that this shark is closely related to the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). However, currently scientists agree that this animal belongs to the extinct Otodontidae family, and this family branched from the ancestors of white sharks in the Early Cretaceous. The genus itself is debated, and authors usually classify it as Carcharocles, Megaselachus, Otodus, or Procarcharodon. This is because transitional fossils were found because megalodon is the last chronospecies of the lineage of giant sharks originating from the genus Otodus which evolved during the Paleocene. _________ tag. megalodon, megalodon song, megalodon sighting, megarlodon, #megalodon, megalodon shark, shark megalodon, megalodon sightings, 10 megalodon, megalodonte, megalodon sharks, megalodon was extinct, the megalodon, megalodon extinct, megalodon returns, tubarão megalodon, megalodon is in trouble, amazing megalodon facts, megalodon real, megalodon shark tooth hunting, megalodon rising trailer, megalodon shark size, megalodon teeth, megalodon facts, megalodon tooth