Christmas Lessons & Carols, December 22, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Lessons & Carols, December 22, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Bulletin: https://faithconnector.s3.amazonaws.c... Service Participants: Bishop: The Right Reverend Ruth Woodliff-Stanley Officiant: The Very Reverend J. Michael A. Wright, Dean and Rector, Grace Church Cathedral Music: St. Gregory Choir St. Nicholas Choristers Canon Nicholas Quardokus, Director of Music Dr. James Mellichamp, Assisting Organist Lectors: Anna Lesher, Chorister Rachel Walls, Assistant to the Director of Music The Reverend Ross Tortora, Priest Associate Canon Nicholas Quardokus, Director of Music The Reverend Ricardo Bailey, Rector of Calvary The Reverend Canon Mac Magee, Deacon The Reverend Canon Rob Donehue, Sub-Dean St. Thomas Guild of Acolytes: John Buxton, Verger Holden Sellers, Miller Steever, & Harry Smith, Acolytes