Digging Up 851 Dahlias for the Winter | How to Dig, Divide & Store Tubers

Digging Up 851 Dahlias for the Winter | How to Dig, Divide & Store Tubers

If you have found this video it may be because your time has come to dig up your #dahlia tubers from your garden. It can be a big job, but if you take it step by step, it isn't very difficult. Follow along as I chop down, dig up, divide and pack away my 851 dahlia plants for the winter. I grow in zone 6B, Port Stanley Ontario, where we have to pull up our tubers and keep them warm for the winter. If you have to store your tubers for the winter, make sure you keep them above freezing at all times. You want them cold enough to hibernate, but not so cold the moisture inside freezes, splits, and rots them. A Root Cellar works best, or cold storage/wine cellar. Keep an eye on them for the first year if it's a new location for you and just make sure the moisture levels / firmness in the tubers stays consistent. I hope this video is helpful for you. Please leave me a comment, a like, and subscribe to follow along for more Dahlia growing videos! I'm just getting this page started and I need your help. Thanks! Dahlias Available February 1st www.dahliamandrew.com Follow along on Youtube and instagram: ‪@DahliaMandrew‬ #gardening #dahlias #flowers