God Of War Ragnarok Garm | Kratos Vs Garm Best Fight [4K HDR 60FPS] Gameplay (RTX)

God Of War Ragnarok Garm | Kratos Vs Garm Best Fight [4K HDR 60FPS] Gameplay (RTX)

Garmr or Garm is a dog or wolf that appears in Norse mythology. Garm - stained with blood and firmly on a chain - guards the entrance of Hel, stationed in front of a cave called Gnipahellir, the earliest mention of which is found in the Vǫluspá, one of the poems of the Poetic Edda. Codex Entry In the God of War series Backstory Centuries ago, Garm was just a small puppy, but soon began eating parts of Midgard, including a few mountain ranges. However, even more dangerously, he began chewing through the fabric of the realms and even eating metaphysical concepts, such as an entire season. Seeing the threat in Garm, the Norse God of War, Týr, proceeded to lure the monstrous wolf to a safer place. While he let Garm chew on his arm as a distraction, he had him chained in the process. Once the gates to Helheim were opened, Garm realized that he had been led into a trap, and in rage, he proceeded to viciously rip off Týr's arm as revenge. However, this was only a temporary inconvenience, as the god was eventually able to regrow the lost limb. Garm was one of the Jötnar, being a wolf-giant, and the father of Sköll and Hati. He was a dedicated enemy of the Aesir and Odin kidnapped his children, keeping them as hostages so he would stop fighting them. What ultimately became of him afterwards is unknown. God of War (2018) Although not seen by Kratos and Atreus on their journey, Hróðvitnir is confirmed to exist as he is alluded to multiple times in triptychs and dialogue. In particular, Mimir mentions him in one of his tales and refers to him as a great nemesis of the Aesir gods. God of War Ragnarök Garm!? Great bleedin' fuck, lad, you freed Garm? Mimir's reaction to Atreus freeing Garm Garm is found in Helheim by Atreus and Thrúd while they were searching for the last piece of Odin's mask. Seeing that the giant wolf was in chains, Atreus wanted to free him, but Thrúd tried in vain to persuade him not to, as she correctly believed the beast was in those chains for a good reason. Because they were trying to get behind him, the two had to unlock some of the chains holding onto Garm, inadvertently waking him up. Since some of his chains were already broken, the giant wolf easily tore the final chain free from the ground and fled, free to wreak havoc. When Atreus and Thrúd entered the chamber that he was guarding, they found only nothing. When Thrúd realized that all they went through has been really all for nothing, she began to distrust Atreus, as she knew that Odin would get angry at her for setting Garm free. Thrúd's concerns would be proven valid as Heimdall vilified Atreus for setting Garm free, revealing that it could tear rifts between realms. Heimdall's claims proved true as when Atreus later returns to Sindri's house, he found it being attacked by Hel-Walkers, who had gone through rifts created by Garm. After a long and hard fight, all the Hel-Walkers involved in the attack were killed and Freya and Atreus were able to seal the rifts with their magic. Though Kratos tells his son that it is not his fault and that it was an accident, Atreus, in shame and guilt, insists that it was his fault for the attack. When he tells his father that he had set Garm free, Mimir was horrified while a despondent Týr states to Atreus that freeing the giant wolf was madness. Moreover, Freya warns the latter that Garm will chew through the fabric of the realms now that he was free and she scolds Atreus for his reckless actions. Kratos proceeded to protect his son and insists the others that Atreus has made a mistake and tells the latter that they'll fix the mistake together. The two then returned to Helheim to stop Garm from doing any more damage. God Of War Egypt Best Gameplay Rtx 5090 God Of War Ragnarok 4k Hdr 60fps Coming Soon 2025 GOW. God Of War Ragnarok Dark Odyssey Initially, Atreus thought he could tame Garm the same way he could take any other wolf, but after their initial plan to re-chain the wolf failed, Kratos insisted to his son that he would not use any tricks that Odin taught him while he was in Asgard, and that they would have to stop the beast by killing it. After finding him, the two engaged Garm in the Silent Clearing, and managed to get his chain wrapped around a portion of the wall, with the end embedded in a loose piece of a pillar. On Kratos's orders, Atreus pushed the pillar off of a nearby ledge before Kratos yanked on the chain, snapping Garm's neck and seemingly killing him. #gaming #godofwar #rtxgamer #4kgaming #gowgarm