"Is There a Hell?" Sunday Worship, March 16, 2025
March 16, 2025, 10:00 am Sunday Worship All are invited to join us for worship at 10:00am in our Sanctuary, or virtually through our livestream. Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. Come as you are, for this is God’s house—a house of prayer for all people, and God welcomes each one who comes. We welcome the Rev. Elle Wilson to the pulpit this second Sunday of Lent. Our scripture readings this Sunday are Psalm 116 and John 17: 6-18, with hymns from the New Century Hymnal, # 211 Lord Jesus, Who Through Forty Days, and # 542 Born of God, Eternal Savior. There will be a Message for All Ages this Sunday and our youth will remain in worship with their families. Join us for Coffee Hour following worship, hosted by Cathie Ellithorpe. Our Going the Extra Mile Offering for March supports Cancer House of Hope in Springfield, MA. Dealing with cancer is never easy, so Cancer House of Hope wants to help people and their families deal with it together and feel supported, providing care and comfort to men and women in treatment, survivors, and family members through a variety of programs and therapies. Learn more in the Weekly Witness. Our Lenten Offering supports Heifer International once again! Since 1944, Heifer has helped families in over 125 countries, promoting self-sufficiency through livestock. Families are encouraged to share their animals, empowering communities and supporting education. With your contributions, we can provide various animals, such as a flock of chicks for $20, a hive of honeybees for $30, a pig, sheep, or goat for $120, a water buffalo for $250 and/or a heifer for $500! We encourage you to consider increasing your gift to $1.00 or more this season! Connect with us! Support our Ministries: http://www.firstchurchsuffield.org/co... Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.firstchurchsuffield.org/n... Follow us on Instagram: / firstchurchofchristsuffield Like us on Facebook: / first-church-of-christ-suffield-ct-ucc-195... Support our Ministries: http://www.firstchurchsuffield.org/co... First Church of Christ, Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 81 High Street, Suffield CT 06078 860-668-7223 [email protected] http://www.firstchurchsuffield.org/