전승 우사 콤보 | Succession Woosa Combo

전승 우사 콤보 | Succession Woosa Combo

#검은사막 #우사 #pve #BlackDesert #BDO #Woosa BGM은 『yuhei komatsu』(@yk_sound_design) 님의 『My LIFE』를 사용하였습니다 Combo1: Cloudrise/Flow: Stormbolt(Shift+RMB) - Thunderstroke(S+E) - Fan Kick/Cloudcarve(F) Sagoonja: Chrysanth(Shift+F) - Sagoonja: Bamboo/Bamboo-zled/Sagoonja: Orchid(W+E) - Flurry(W+C) - Wingbeat(Space) - Kaleidoscope Swirl(Shift+LMB) Combo2: Stormfall(Shift+Q) - Thunderstroke(S+E) - Fan Kick/Cloudcarve(F) Sagoonja: Chrysanth(Shift+F) - Sagoonja: Bamboo/Bamboo-zled/Sagoonja: Orchid(W+E) - Flurry(W+C) - Wingbeat(Space) - Kaleidoscope Swirl(Shift+LMB) Addons: Cloudrise: Attack Speed +10%, Critical Chance +30% Stormfall: Attack Speed +10%, Critical Chance +30% Sagoonja: Chrysanth: Critical Damage +3%, Back Attack Damage +3% Wingbeat: Chrysanth: Critical Damage +3%, Back Attack Damage +3% Thunderstroke: Monster AP +20, Target DP -15 Kaleidoscope Swirl: Monster AP +20, Target DP -15 Lightstone: The Wild: Kamasylvia Crystals: x2 Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2 Crystal of Mysterious Darkness x2 Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad x2 Dark Red Fang Crystal - Valor x2 Crystal of Brutal Decimation x5 Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Power Girin's Fragment