SECRET Bridge Technique for BIG SNAPPER! (FL Keys Bridge Fishing)
Another BIG Snapper caught! Secret Bridge Techinque REVEALED! It takes some practice, but if you are able to cast under the bridge using a Carolina Rig when the direction of the water is going toward the traffic Bridge, you are in for some good fishing! I was blown away how often I got hit in the SAME Area using this method! Using a Shrimp on a Carolina RIg is the Easiest way to catch Snapper in the Florida Keys. This RIG allows you to place a Shrimp closer to the bottom, and giving it a natural presentation. In this video, I am able to locate the fish and the bite ended up being red hot!! So GOOD NEWS! For the Redbone rods the ones I caught the recent huge Mutton Snapper, Monster Black Grouper and Permit on in a span of 10 days, I officially have a code when you go to purchase one! Use “Chad 10” where it says “Enter a promo code” and you’ll get 10 percent off. Personally all my rods are the 8ft heavy or extra heavy paired with either a 6000 Shimano Baitrunner or 8000 Shimano Baitrunner LINK Below: https://www.redbonerods.com/shop Rig Used: *Carolina Rig with Shrimp *Shrimp on jighead As promised the goal is to create entertaining videos that provide value, in which you learn and get something out of the videos on my channel! Become a Member of the channel Hit the Join button (next to the Subscribe button) and receive many perks as well as helping me continue to bring you high quality videos each and every week! Becoming a Member of the channel will allow me the opportunity to make videos more often and transition into the type of videos you would like to watch! #mangrovesnapper #floridakeysbridgefishing #chadgonefishing