5 Pencil Sketching Ideas for your Sketchbook

5 Pencil Sketching Ideas for your Sketchbook

Hey there! Let's sketch ✏️ Here are 5 random ideas for things to sketch in your sketchbook, using just a pencil, for when you are feeling a bit befuddled by the blank-page. I hope you enjoy trying some! Chapters: 00:31 - Scribbly Silhouettes 04:07 - Ch-ch-changes 07:04 - The in-between 09:32 - Exploring the angles 13:14 - Into the shadows ------------ 🎨 MORE ART JOY - GO FURTHER: πŸ’‘ Come join me on Skillshare! Take my classes: https://www.skillshare.com/r/user/gem... - clicking this link will get new joiners a month of FREE premium Skillshare membership! Whoop whoop! πŸ‘‰ COMMUNITY: ✍️ Want an art-buddy in your inbox? Join my Pen Diaries newsletter to stay in touch - emails are so much more cosy than social media πŸ’› Sign up here: https://gemmathepen.ck.page/fe4036250d βœ‚οΈ THE MATERIALS: ✎ Pencil (Mine was a 2B) Optional - Ruler & Eraser 🎢 THE MUSIC: 🎢 All music used is royalty free and is provided by YouTube Studio + Pixabay πŸ”Š Sound Effects obtained from Zapsplat.com. 😎 Do you need royalty-free music or stock footage for your own projects, that can be used on any platform? I use Pond5 - they have content for all kinds of budgets and are easy to use. *Check them out via my link here and you'll be supporting me whilst also nabbing yourself 20% off your first purchase: https://www.pond5.com?ref=gemmathepen112 πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ ABOUT ME: πŸ‘‹ If you are new to my channel - hello! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Gemma. I am an artist-maker, a cosy introvert and forever learner. 🎨 Nurture your curiosity, Fuel your creativity! πŸ€“ Geeking out over all the arty-crafts ✨ Making to Make Happy! #makingtomakehappy πŸ’› πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨ Instagram: @gemmathepen πŸ–Ό Website: www.gemmathepen.com πŸ’‘ Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/r/user/gem...